The Weekly Bookmark March 25, 1996 - Vol 2, No. 17 __________________________________________________________ Table of Contents On My End - Note from the Editor Supporters of the Weekly Bookmark Out There - Places to Visit Weekly Bookmark Information Meet The Staff - Contact Info __________________________________________________________ On My End Matt Alberts As some of you may have noticed, the Monday Edition did not show up in your mailbox until nearly Friday. I am looking into this and hopefully this will not happen again. I will be sending out some information this week to confirm a few things. Enjoy this issue and note the URL change from thisweek.html to monday.html __________________________________________________________ Supporters Imaginary Landscape ( Hand-Woven Web Sites It All Begins With Your Ideas New Internet User? Visit Our Help Web __________________________________________________________ Out There Art and Literature The Old Stage Road Fire Text and photography describing my long night defending my house against a forest fire. Heavy on the imagery, but interesting even without the pictures. URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Jonathan Corbet Surf's Up! Surf's Up! is an ezine that takes the techno-babble out of the Internet. Filled with articles, commentary and opinion and illustrated with links to interesting sites. A new feature is "Ask Aunt Nettie"... where thorny questions about the Web and the Internet are answered in a clear, non-technical fashion by our resident Agony Aunt. Clean, fast loading graphics make the site 'browser friendly' even with typical dial-up connections. Come by for a visit and see why Surf's Up! was recently selected BEST OF THE PLANET! URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Roger L. Green Archeology and VERY ancient music in the Mediterranean Sea It is a site totally devoted to Sardinia, the beautiful island at the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a newborn site but really promising. Till now you can enjoy: o the complete history of Launeddas a musical instrument o older than 2,000 years; o Sardina in the World : a list of addresses of Sardinian people all o over the world, o gorgeous photographs; o Carbonia: an interesting town with its Archeological museum. URL: This site is contains Netscape 2.0 extensions without an alternative set of pages. Submitted By: Marina Esterazy Computers Small Business Computer Resource Page This is a site of various resources of interest to a small business especially computer issues. The author also has a weekly e-mail newsletter, on the same subject, that can be subscribed to through the site. URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: J. Alan Gatlin ZD Net Software Library Raising the bar for usability and functionality in Web shareware libraries, Ziff-Davis ZD Net recently launched a Web version of its Software Library, already an unmatched resource on the leading commercial online services. The ZD Net Software Library ( is available to Web users now; there are no fees or registration requirements. For the first time, Web users can easily find software, shareware and freeware with the assurance that they're receiving only the best programs, carefully screened and recommended by Ziff-Davis, the world's most respected source of software reviews. The ZD Net Software Library introduces a new standard for shareware on the Web: each of its 10,000 applications is carefully tested and screened for viruses and defects, then reviewed and rated by Ziff-Davis editors. Just as Ziff-Davis magazines such as PC Magazine and PC Week have been established as the definitive source for commercial software reviews, ZD Net is also regarded as the definitive source for shareware reviews; all products are judged by the same high editorial and testing standards. URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Michael Katz Entertainment Welcome to my new Hollywood Residence Interested in Switzerland and Asia? Then you HAVE to visit this page... URL: This site is contains Netscape 2.0 extensions without an alternative set of pages. Submitted By: Thomas Bruehwiler Metis' Home Page A creative link to genealogy, greek mythology, quilting, fun sites on the www and TV programs. URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Sharon Gibbs The Wonderful World of Steve Fowler Steve has visited many Web pages and mostly looking for sites related to clowning and has not found much. Steve is currently in search of material to add to his clown page to make it as comprehensive as possible providing information and images of one of the great entertainment styles known. Steve has many and various other interests. This site covers some of the more interesting activities Steve is involved in. Some interests include: o Clowns o Civil War o Baseball Cards o THE Washington Redskins o Photography o Genealogy o Home brewing o Border Collies o Weather Tracking Come by and visit. I am always looking for ways to expand these pages to provide information that others find useful. URL: This site is contains Netscape 2.0 extensions without an alternative set of pages. Submitted By: Steven Fowler Health Glaxo Welcome PLC Corporate pages of the world's premier health care company. Informative articles on disease and disease management issues. Free molecular modeling software. Online pharmacology guide. health care bookmarks. Worldwide contact details. Latest company news. Policies and activities of Glaxo Welcome. URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Nigel Shardlow Online Health Network The Online Health Network is a WWW resource brought to you by the Mayo Clinic and IVI Publishing containing community forums, monthly newsletters, and weekly articles. URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Jason Esser Recreation GardenEscape Home gardeners weary of wandering from place to place in quest of reliable information, hardy plants or needed supplies and accessories now have a convenient new neighborhood resource: Garden Escape on the World Wide Web. Garden Escape is a new Internet-based software company which, for the first time, provides access to a virtual gardening paradise from the convenience of a home computer. URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Lisa W.A. Sharples 1st Orthodox Youth Orthodox Youth provides information and resources to children, teens, college students, parents and youth workers on camping, teens, campus ministry and other related youth issues. URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Archpriest Joseph Purpura Weekend Gardener - Your Weekly Electronic Gardening Guide Weekend Gardener is a weekly electronic gardening newsletter. Know which vegetables to plant, based on your own frost dates, with the Spring and Fall GrowGuides. Keep up with gardening chores with TWIG Notes. Download a free issue and check it out. This site also has lots of helpful links for gardening-type people! URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Mary Anne Lynch Reference The Junction On Line The JUNCTION is a free service provided on the Internet for any one to use, it performs as a home page and as a central location for news, weather and information, as well as general entertainment information. You will find everything from the latest movies and Hollywood gossip, to, do it your self, hobbies, lifestyles, games, computers, shopping, you name it, if its of general interest and on the web you will find it here. It is a gateway to the World Wide Web. URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Judd Coursey CZECH Info Center The ultimate Czech information resource for everybody. Includes travel information, basic country data, export-import, pen-pals, business and commerce, news, directory of companies and much much more URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: Jiri Muselik Regional Bitterroot Valley Chamber of Commerce - Western Montana's Information Center Western Montana is the last best place. The Bitterroot Valley is located in what is known as the "Banana Belt" of Montana. Our page contains information about local government, recreation and links to state government sites. We will be continually adding to this site for your convenience. Take a look if you have ever wondered "where is Montana?". URL: This site is contains Netscape 2.0 extensions without an alternative set of pages. Submitted By: Julie M. Foster Science Process Associates of America Process Associates of America is a leader in process engineering and equipment design for the hydrocarbon processing industry. The web site is unique for its wide collection of on-line and free (!) top quality engineering and scientific tools and calculation aids. URL: This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: F. Aly _________________________________________________________________ Weekly Bookmark Information The Weekly Bookmark Hompage: The Weekly Bookmark Archives: The Weekly Bookmark Index: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via WWW form: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via E-mail: Include ONLY the following in the BODY Subscribe WeeklyB or Unsubscribe WeeklyB. Submit a Site: Send Feedback: _________________________________________________________________ Meet The Staff Editor - Matt Alberts Assistant Editor - Holly Drake Webmaster - Matt Alberts Writer Marian Hank Submitters Ted Nellen Marian Hank Want to help? Read our Help Wanted section. _________________________________________________________________ (C) Copyright 1996 by Matt Alberts - All Right Reserved Comments? Ideas? Send mail to